The sun did decide to make it's much awaited appearance, after noon. All in all, it was a beautiful day.
We took a trip to the store to pick up a few things, and to place an order for Natalie's nirthday cake. Hey, just because we know no-one with chidren doesn't mean we [and family] can't throw her a party.
I'm having them make a "beach and ocean" cake, and I bought some small Ariel pieces to put upon the cake. So far, she's gotten a brand new bed set for her room to match her "garden" theme. We also got her some add-ons for her doll house, two new games for her VTech and Leapster, some flash cards, and I also picked up some wooden letters and paint to make a special gift for her.
Kenny's decided he's going to quit smoking, because when he smoked this morning, he said his chest hurt. I hope he sticks with it this time. I really do. We bought him quite a few things to munch on, as it seems to help him. He's lean, so he can munch away. Boy, he makes me jealous with his metabolisml
Marissa had on the cutest Gymboree outfit today. I'm not sure of the name of the line, but we got so many compliments. Pictures of our day!

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