Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Yahoo'd! Myself

So it's not exactly googling, and I didn't exactly Yahoo MY name.

But I did Yahoo a handle I've been known to use (although I haven't used it in the past few years - I've just started to reuse it again). Ferox Femina. It's latin for Wild Woman. As I was saying, I Yahoo'd it and came across a BLOG using Ferox Femina as it's url.

My panties are in a twist I tell you. Ok, not really as I have no ownership to the handle, but I thought it was funny! I could use the funnies right now.

1 comment:

babyhellfire said...

AH! I know the feeling! I googled myself- er,"babyhellfire" and found some hoebag using my handle on a porn site! ew!!
I'm soo pissed I have been babyhellfire for YEARS!