Why does it have to be a Good News Cake, with Bad News Icing?
We're supposed to be moving, as soon as we get the word from ITT in Fort Bragg, NC. They're having to work out the kinks with the proposal, resubmit it, then hopefully we'll be on our way.
Initially, my Dad was going to purchase a house, and rent it out to us so we could either save up for our own, or buy it from him and my step-mother. Well, Dad has to have back surgery in a few weeks so now we'll have to put off buying a house. It'll make things tougher, but we can still manage.
It's just the matter of hearing the word, "Go!"
My landlady is driving me APESHIT. I'm trying to be understand, but now it's gotten to the point where I want to lop off her head. Ever since she caught word we were planning on moving she's been bugging the absolute shit out of us. We didn't even tell her we were moving! We hadn't given her our 30 day notice yet, either.
Her brother, a crackhead, lives down a few houses told her we were moving in 2 weeks (keep in mind this was more than a month ago) and so LandLady has been calling every few days asking the same. damn. question.
"Are you moving, yet?"
No, LandLady. As soon as we hear something, I'll let you know. This is the same thing, over, and over. every few days. She even stopped by unannounced and asked me, then called 2 days later and asked the same thing! Landlady also called my sis in law and asked her if she knew when we were moving.
She already has people set up to move in, and wants us out. Sorry, you get your rent on time, and we haven't given our 30 day notice, yet.
LandLady's brother (who we'll call Crackhead for future reference) has issues, too. He gets on my bloody nerves, and has made me very uncomfortable from the get-go. He comes over asking to borrow a lot of things. Like our BBQ pit (which is huge, and cannot be carried), money, cigs, a FLAT tire (he doesn't even have a truck!).
I've also caught him loitering outside our house a few times, too - waiting on us to get home. While we were in Ohio, SIL came over to take care of Meeko, the cat. On her way out, Crackhead flagged her down and asked when we would be back.
Just recently, he happened to know a friend of SIL's who was having a birthday bash. He showed up, got drunk, and then said he was going to go buy some crack. :( I told Kenny and SIL, the guy better not ever show his face at my door again. I do not want that sort of crap around my family.
*Deep, calming breath* Yesterday evening was nice. Kenny surprised me AGAIN! He brought home strawberry cheesecake, and a nice, large jewelry box for me. It was very sweet. I do have such a sweet, and handsome husband. Be jealous! :)
After Dylan's second evaluation, I keep finding myself looking at him differently. I love him, he's still my Dylwhen, don't get me wrong. Just things like him wanting his hands clean when they are already clean, his hand flapping (he has one hand palm open, and with his right hand, he uses his pointer finger to stab frantically at his left when he gets excited).
I'm eager to begin his therapy, and see an improvement so I can easily pass this all off as being just behind, and nothing more.
Marissa had a fever for a few days, then yesterday morning I get her up and she's covered in spot! My polka-dotted Roo baby. I was informed this is most likely a simple virus known as Roseola. She's fine, if not a bit grumpy.
Natalie keeps improving with her letters, but not with her attitude. She's got the Culley cajun temper.
I picked up "The Other Boleyn Girl" Sunday and finished it around midnight last night. It was a beautiful read, and I could barely put it down. I caught myself thinking about it all the time. I really enjoyed it. I think I'll pick up more of the author's work.
Roo's spots!

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