Friday, April 4, 2008

Confessions of a CFHusband

Some of you may already know I've been following this story for quite some time (I was originally introduced to the blog by his sister in law).

It's about Nate, his wife Tricia and their baby, Gwyneth Rose. Tricia has Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and had been preparing for a double lung transplant until they discovered they were pregnant. Gwyneth was born very early (15+weeks early) and Tricia WAS on the transplant list.

Tricia just received a lung transplant on the 2nd, on Nate's birthday no less. His blog has encouraged me to become a organ donor, which I implore other's to give some thought to.

I just wanted to share their great story. Please send good vibes and prayers their way, as they'll need them in Tricia's recovery period. Thanks!

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