Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The stress is piling on...

...and you wouldn't even know I'm affected by it.

Friends and family are telling me, "You sound okay" or "You're handling it better than I am" but what they don't know is that I worry about it so much.

The stress comes from this supposed move and going back to work for ITT. Yet with the fuck up on their parts that has yet to move anywhere. Also, Kenny's current job which continues to give him the shaft with not reimbursing him for using his vehicle for work purposes (he's driving pretty far) and for some reason he's not getting paid the full amount he should for 40 hours.

That, combined with the gas money to travel for work - it has eaten up our nest egg for moving. We had sold the Jeep, but that's all gone to pay bills and to make ends meet. We're supposed to get this stimulus crap Friday, and that'll be put back to help us move. I just hope it happens soon or we won't be able to!

I'm so stressed, I wake up in the middle of the night and start thinking about it, and am unable to get back to sleep. I think about it. All day long. I find myself praying for one thing to go right. For one thing to work out as it should for us.

I was never one for praying much, but I constantly find myself with a furrowed brow, eyes closed, and hands over my face, just begging for God to please work with us.

We work hard to raise and support our family. We could use some good luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I hate stress..I hate money issues. I hate that no matter what we do it is always about money. I pray for good luck for you and for me.