Who in turns wakes up at 5:30am to nurse again, and pretty much stays awake whining until 7am until I nurse her again, and then attempt to put her back down. Nope. More whining/crying. So I let her fuss, make myself some breakfast, grab her and get settled. She nurses herself to a dead sleep. I know she's tired. Dylan wakes up, so off I go (gently, mind you) to lay a sleeping beauty down.
And she wakes up. I attempt to let her fuss some more. I get Dylan up, and start to fix him breakfast, which he whines about, as usual. This little boy is (and I say this seriously without dramatics) one of the whiniest children I have ever met.
About this time I get news that the job w/ ITT Systems in Fort Bragg, NC is on hold because of some fuckwad's screw up. Marissa is still whining so I get her up, and manage to distract her with some toys, and get Dylan cleaned up.
I sit down for a [what I thought were a] few quiet minutes to myself. I don't hear Dylan and Marissa whining so I figure, Hey! They're okay. Wrong. I get up to check on them and Dylan had found a [again, what I thought] was an empty Christmas cookie tin. There were old gingerbread cookies w/ icing in it and he had managed to open it. Marissa was sitting in a pile of cookies, like she was the Queen of Sugarplum Fairies. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy when I yanked cookies out of her hand and swept them up.
I run bath water, and strip her down. She pees. Can you hear me screaming yet? Soon I won't have the voice left to scream due to this morning's frustration. I plop her down in the bathtub, and get Dylan cleaned up. I turn to get a towel and Dylan throws a stuffed teddy bear in the bath tub and then wraps it up in a towel. Oi!
I begin to wash Marissa and, hey - what's that smell? It smells like bathroom cleaner! Oh, crap! Last night I had sprayed bathtub cleaner in the tub and never rinsed it.
If Marissa were chrome she'd be shinyyyyy. I drain the water and run some fresh, rinsing Marissa really well.
SIL brings Natalie home, and the fighting between Natalie and Dylan begin. I'm NOT in the mood for this, so I'm yelling at them, already. SIL brought the little boy she watches with her (he's 7mos). I attempt to get Marissa dry and dressed, who's screeching at me, letting me know her displeasure the entire time.
All three kids have runny, disgusting noses. I may use the thick snot as a glue trap.
SIL comments that she doesn't know how I do it.
Even on my best days I don't know how I do it, either. I just do it.
1 comment:
"I just do it."
People ask me how I manage twins all the time, and that's exactly the line I use.
They're your children - what would they suggest you do, leave them on the corner with a sign that says "Sorry, free to a good home, mother can't do it."
You're a great mommy!
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