Monday, May 19, 2008


The electrician is here and checking things out. Hopefully it's nothing serious, and we will be able to rest peacefully now.

Still no word from ITT, or the other company here in TX, or TWC. It should literally be any day now and the anticipation is absolutely killing me. I'm so tired (literally, as in worn out) of worrying about it and am more than ready.

Have I ever mentioned Texas bugs are killing me? My left foot is TORE up from fire ants, so badly in fact, that I woke up this morning and it was numb. Ouch. I've learned to live with the spiders. It doesn't mean I like them, though.

Here are [a few] pics from our weekend.


Unknown said...

could they be any damn cuter!!!????

babyhellfire said...

OMG great pics!
I love Roo's hair thing.
You have a gorgeous family, and take such amazing pics