Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Getting quirkier.

My blogging has slowed down majorly the past few days. I'm sorry. I'm mostly in withdrawal mode from friends and family. Some of who can't seem to handle it and I've lost connection with them. Oh well, I guess it really just boils down to if I have Kenny and the kids. The rest are veng fodder. (Gamers may get the reference.)

Right now, with Dylan, we're doing minor monthly visits with the ECI. We're playing a "look and see" type of thing, I suppose. While he has SOME traits of Autism, he lacks the rest. We're most likely looking at PPD-NOS.

His habits are getting quirkier. If there's TWO of exactly the same thing, he MUST have a certain one, even when we (as adults) can't tell the difference, apparently he can. His food must be arranged a certain way, and on a certain plate. Like right now, he had to have cereal in a BIG bowl. His food habits are getting rougher. He whines about everything we eat.

When riding in a vehicle he MUST be on the passenger side. He flips out if we attempt to put him on the driver's side. He has suddenly developed a fear of water. He now hates bath time, something he used to love.

Sometimes I feel so lost with him. Like I'm a little speck in his big old world of a nearly 3 year old. I'm his mom, I'm supposed to show him which way to go but all I feel like I can do is allow him to lead.

It's really unsettling.

I haven't taken any pictures lately, but I will soon. I've been tired and stressed, and not in the mood for much creativity.

If you can please say a prayer for Nate, his wife Tricia, and little Gwyneth. I have their blog linked in my list.


tata said...

Girl, I know things are unsettling for you at this time. When I read your post, though, a lot of those things sound perfectly normal to me! I'm no expert (that's for sure), but many of those things sound like behaviors I had when I was little. It's a small way to exert control over an often unsure world. Hang in there and keep leading the way for him. Hugs.

CFHusband said...

Thank you!