Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Countdown begins!

M good friend Karla is 37 weeks today. She was there for the birth of Dylan, and I'm going to be there for the birth of her daughter, Reagan. I'm so excited I can't stand it.

I threw a breastfeeding basket together for her for her baby-shower, and have a little hospital bag ready for her, too. I think I'm going to get a board game for her, as well. Karla was so brave standing at the foot of the bed when Dylan was born.

She also took pictures. And while Dylan was in the NICU, Jason and Karla spent so much time with us at the hospital. They made pot roast stew, picked up things for us... everything. They're such amazing friends, and I'm absolutely thrilled for them. Kenny will be tagging along to prove jason with some company.

Believe it or not, Jason was pretty much there for both the birth of Dylan and Marissa. I scared the crap out of him with Dylan, but his resolve must have strengthened because he wasn't the least bit scared while I was in labor with Marissa.

Karla is due July 4th, her doctors seem to think she'll make it to the very day. The anticipation will be killing us all!

1 comment:

tata said...

Awesome! Good friends are the best. I'm excited for y'all, too!